The European SOciety for COmputer Preservation

Other resources on retro computers we trust
Retroquote Where every retro item has a quote. Our free service for the community, The Database of retro items sold with prices and conditions!
Musif The Museum of working Information Technology (Museo dell'informatica funzionante).
Musée Bolo The biggest museum on the informatics history in Switzerland.
Nighfall Crew One of the best retro restorers site. Tons of informations and practices on several hardware.
Zimmers Net The hugest resource for Commodore Computers in the net.
C64 Preservation Project To Preserve the mighty Commodore 64!
Big Book of Amiga Hardware The ultimate guide to any hardware ever produced for any Amiga The 6502 Microprocessor resource
Retro Academy An Italian site of indie developers talking about retrocomputers
Old Computers A wonderful collection site!
Apulia Retrocomputing A group of Puglia enthusiasts with many beautiful ideas!