The European SOciety for COmputer Preservation

The European Society for Computer Preservation

European Vintage and Retro Computer events shared Calendar

Please Contact us to have your event listed here, or simply send an Email to calendar AT esocop DOT org
This page has been created to share events calendar inside the European Vintage Computer Communities to let everyone know about forthcoming events and to avoid making events on same date.


1st - 2nd June 2024
Old Computers and Console Club Festival 10 Two days exhibition for vintage computers enthusiasts in Martigny (Switzerland), Link to site: OCCC 10.

7th-8th September 2024
Vintage Computer Festival Europe a two day meeting for all the vintage and retrocomputer lovers. This year theme is 50 years of Intel's 8080 and Motorola's 6800. Held in Munchen, Germany. Link to site: Vintage Computer Festival Europe.

15th September 2024
Varese Retrocomputing One day exhibition of Various Retrocomputers event in Varese (Italy), Link to site: Varese Retrocomputing.

15th September 2024
Passione Amiga Day One day event in Spoletoi dedicated to Amiga lovers (PG, Italy), Link to site: Passione Amiga Day.

3rd November 2024
Brusaretro One day exhibition event for vintage computer enthusiasts in Brusaporto (Bergamo, Italy), Link to site: N/A